Friday, August 14, 2009

East Asian Cultures' Surnames - Vietnam - Korea - China - Japan

Vietnamese, Korean & Chinese names generally consist of three parts: a family name, a middle name, and a given name, used in that order. This is in accordance to the East Asian system of personal names. Vietnamese, Korean & Chinese share the same surnames with a little (or completely) different pronunciations.

East Asian Cultures' Surnames - Vietnam - Korea - China - Japan

Japanese names (人名 jinmei) in modern times usually consist of a family name (surname), followed by a given name. This order is common in countries that have long been part of the Sinosphere, including among the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese cultures.

The list you're going to view will NOT include the real Japanese surnames, however, there is something relates to Vietnamese, Korean & Chinese surnames. We collected information from a list at


  1. Oh very interesting clip :).Wow,my surname is "Wu" ^^~

  2. Mine is Huynh (the same of Hoang) or Huang in Chinese :D

  3. Antivirus, thanks so much for visiting my blog ^^ Have a nice day !


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